The Story of BVB.


Based in the Northern Tablelands of NSW, Bovine Breeders has been operating for over 20 years. Servicing the New England and North West, the Bovine Breeders team strive to deliver quality service and results to our clients.

Our personable approach to client relations is a key value within our team and has been since inception. With a friendly approach and extensive knowledge, we do our best to help clients develop and succeed in their breeding programs.

Our People

  • Peter

    Second generation repro tech, Peter is the driving force behind the team. A life long involvement with the cattle industry gives Peter extensive knowledge and the ability to chat cattle until the cows come home.

  • Fayette

    Our behind the scenes champion keeping the wheels in motion. Fayette oversees all administration, finances and the other tricky things Peter loves to avoid. Involved with the industry for more than 25 years Fayette has helped BVB become an efficient and wide spanning business.

  • Emma

    Our ever reliable lab manager, Emma oversees all dispatches, semen processing, storage, supplies and logistics. Having been with the team for over 4 years Emma has developed strong client relations and is our resident speed demon at packing orders.

  • Kevin

    Kevin has been a part of Bovine Breeders since inception. A well seasoned AI tech backed by a wealth of knowledge in the cattle industry Kevin has travelled many miles alongside Peter and has a passion for quality genetics.